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I'm Valerie Graham, Certified Aromatherapist since 1999 and licensed esthetician.  My mission is to bring the healing power of natural botanicals to everyone and to educate clients on the proper use of these powerful plant oils, including CBD.

I love sharing my knowledge and understanding of essential oils and CBD, holding seminars, teaching classes and educating groups so everyone learns the proper dosage, usage and benefits of using these botanicals daily.  I am a true Certified Aromatherapist, not a sales consultant for a multi-level marketing company. I have been educated by some of the best teachers in the industry.

My signature products can be found on KRYSTALBLUE.COM






I work with massage therapists, holistic practitioners and wellness professionals all over the country, collaborating on developing their own lines of essential oil products and signature scents.

If you are interested in hosting a group workshop to learn more about CBD or essential oils, please send an email or give us a call.  If you'd like to create a signature line of products or wish to wholesale our current offerings, please contact us, we'd love to speak to you!

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to Services


Essential Oils

We carry a full line of Signature Proprietary Blends.  All essential oils are Organic or Wildcrafted


We carry Full Spectrum Organic CBD oil and oil Rollon blends with our signature scents

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Unique Essentials

We carry unique gemstones and gem related items including our gemstone rollons. 


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